Hearing Aids Specialist

Austin ENT Associates
Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists & Audiology located in Round Rock, TX
If you're finding it difficult to make out what people are saying and keep having to turn the volume up on your television, you might be suffering from hearing loss. The team at Austin ENT Associates in Round Rock, Texas, can evaluate your hearing and provide you with suitable hearing aids. Find out more about the latest advances in hearing aid technology by calling the office or schedule a consultation using the online booking form.
Hearing Aids Q & A
Why might I need a hearing aid?
You might need a hearing aid if you suffer from hearing loss, which is a common problem as you get older. Age-related hearing loss takes place so gradually you may be unaware of it at first.
Eventually, though, your inability to hear what people are saying becomes a noticeable problem.
When this happens, the licensed audiologists at Austin ENT Associates provide a comprehensive array of hearing tests and hearing aid services.
What types of hearing aids are available?
Austin ENT Associates offers several types of hearing aids:
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids
One part of the BTE hearing aid sits on your outer ear. The other part is soft plastic that goes in your ear and directs sound into the ear canal. BTEs are suitable for both mild and severe hearing loss. There are a few types:
- Mini BTE with slim tube and tip
- BTE with earmold
In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids
ITE hearing aids fit inside your outer ear.
Canal hearing aids
Canal hearing aids fit in your ear, so they're more hidden than a BTE hearing aid. There are three kinds of canal hearing aids:
- In-the-canal (ITC)
- Completely-in-canal (CIC)
- Invisible-in-canal (IIC)
- Full shell in the ear (ITE)
One of these hearing aids might be suitable if you have mild to moderate hearing loss.
Receiver-in-canal (RIC) or receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) hearing aids
These hearing aids have a part that fits behind your ear and links to the receiver in your ear canal (RIC) or ear (RITE) via a tiny wire.
Your audiologist can help you choose the hearing aid that best suits your needs.
Which type of hearing aid is right for me?
Austin ENT Associates can help you choose the right hearing aid for you. The team looks at factors including:
- Degree of hearing loss
- Visual dexterity and abilities
- Budget
- Skin sensitivities
- Anatomical and medical considerations
- Lifestyle needs
The team offers a comprehensive selection of hearing aids for adults that includes the most advanced technologies available.
To find out more or arrange a hearing test, call Austin ENT Associates today or book an appointment online.